"Closed for love!" The Magic of the Three Kings Parade

Every year, on the night of January 5th, the streets are filled with magic as the Three Kings Parade arrives — a very special tradition for all families.

This celebration marks the arrival of the Three Wise Men from the East —Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar— who bring gifts for young and old. It’s an event full of colour and joy, where decorated floats and magical characters parade through the streets, throwing candy to the spectators.

A very special part of this tradition is the use of lanterns. Children carry small, illuminated lanterns to guide the Three Kings in the darkness of the night, showing them the way to deliver their gifts.

The Parade is celebrated in almost every city and town, each with its own style. In some cities, the Kings arrive by car, on horseback, or by boat, as is the case in L’Estartit, making this much-anticipated night even more special. It’s an experience worth seeing, especially for those visiting for the first time.

For 25 years, Josep Maria has been collaborating with the Parade, by carrying King Melchior’s float with the campsite tractor.

This tradition represents the moment when the Three Kings bring gifts to children, similar to Christmas gifts in other countries. In the early morning of January 6th, children wake up with the excitement of finding the gifts they have asked for.


“Closed for love” is the illustration of experiencing and enjoying moments with family.

At Camping Les Medes, we want to be your second family.

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